
Inspiration & Perspiration:
Danielle Trussoni’s Newsletter

October 24th, 2020

“Genius is 1 Percent Inspiration and 99 Percent Perspiration.”
– Thomas Edison

Hello from the writing cave where I am currently looking out at the river.

This photo was taken earlier this week, just before the sun came up. I try to watch the sun come over Mount Beacon every morning (I wake up early!).

October is gorgeous in the Hudson Valley and I’ve been enjoying the turning leaves by taking long walks.

One of my favorite places to walk is a cemetery near my home. Over the past months I have been posting pictures of tombstones I’ve come across during my walks on Twitter. Here are a few of those pictures.

It has been an exciting month for me for other reasons. The Ancestor, my novel, has been chosen to be on a number of ‘Best Of’ lists!

It was chosen as one of the Best Horror Novels of 2020 by Goodreads, as one of the Best Halloween Novels by O Magazine, and one of the Best Gothic Novels of ALL TIME by O Magazine.

This year has been a hard one to have a book published, as  everyone has been struggling with the difficulties our world has presented, and so it’s gratifying to have these endorsements now.

I have some novels that I would like to suggest, and as it is Halloween, perhaps you will be in the mood for novels from my horror column.

If you are free, I would like to invite you to a discussion with some of these writers on Wednesday October 28th hosted by McNally Jackson. It will be an amazing chance to hear these writers discuss their work.

I have some sad news as well this month: my favorite pen died. I wrote the first draft of The Ancestor with this pen, and half of the novel I’m currently writing as well. It was a Waterman and it served me well. RIP Pen!

If you aren’t following me on social media, you should come join the fun. I had a book giveaway last week—I gave away 4 spooky mystery books for Halloween! If you’d like to learn about the next giveaway, join me on TwitterInstagram or Facebook.

I will leave you with a photo of my daughter, who says: PLEASE VOTE NOVEMBER 3!!