
Inspiration & Perspiration:
Danielle Trussoni’s Newsletter

August 8th, 2020

“Genius is 1 Percent Inspiration and 99 Percent Perspiration.”
– Thomas Edison

 Good morning from the Writing Cave,

Here is a little sage for your weekend:

I don’t know if you noticed, but I didn’t send out my weekly message last week. There was not one reason, but I felt a general sense of fatigue and wanted to take some time off. My husband and I went to the Catskills for the weekend, where we stayed in a huge Victorian mansion called The Dollhouse.

As someone whose work is inspired by the eerie, I found this place amazing. Coincidentally, the novel I’m currently writing has a Victorian house in it, and so I spent time exploring and taking photos.

There are a few things I wanted to share with you. First of all, I am teaching two private writing workshops this fall.

Send me a note if you have questions or would like to join me. I am also on the faculty of a low residency MFA called The Newport MFA. It is a perfect program for anyone who wants to get a Creative Writing degree at a distance (which is really all students can do at the moment)!

Writing has always been a way for me to recharge, and if you are looking for an enjoyable community for your work, you might consider joining a workshop.

The sense of fatigue I felt last week hasn’t totally left. The first half of 2020 was so intense for me (and for everyone). I became so focused on getting through it all – the lockdown and the homeschooling and the lack of childcare for my two year old daughter and the novel that was published—that I went on automatic pilot and stopped taking the time to care for myself. And so I’ve decided to take more time away from my computer in August. You may not get a newsletter from me the rest of the month, but know that I will be back in the fall feeling much better!

I am still active on all my social media platforms, and we can stay in touch there. I have really been enjoying seeing the photos of my novels on Instagram. Here is one from BourbonandBooks in Nashville, Tennessee:

I’m so grateful to all of my readers and to everyone who has sent me a note to tell me they have read my books. Thanks so much for your support! I am still sending out signed bookplates, so if you would like one, drop me a line and I will mail one out to you.

I hope that you are finding inspiration in your work and life. Take care of yourself.

Danielle Trussoni