
Inspiration & Perspiration:
Danielle Trussoni’s Newsletter

April 12th, 2020

 “Genius is 1 Percent Inspiration and 99 Percent Perspiration.”
– Thomas Edison

Hello on this blustery Sunday in the Hudson Valley!

It has been a busy week. The Ancestor was published on April 7th, and I’ve been doing interviews and live events constantly, which has left me feeling a bit antisocial. This weekend, I’ve been trying to get as much quiet time as possible. I’ve been cooking, reading, and cleaning my house, all very glamorous activities, I know, but ones that help ground me when there is a lot going on.

The biggest news this week is that The Ancestor received a rave review in The New York Times. Here is the link so you can read the review.

The printed version of this review will come out next weekend, and I will be sure to scan it and include it in my next newsletter.

I was thrilled about this review, and the invitations to do interviews, but I admit to missing my daily writing routine. If you’ve followed my newsletters, or my social media, you probably know that I am a creature of habit. I go to my writing cave every morning and I have two cappuccinos, eat lunch at around noon and take a walk in the afternoon, after I’ve written and revised my work for the day. This past week, that all went out the window. I decided to hibernate this weekend, and try to get back into my regular routine again this week.

The result of my busy week is that I will have a bunch of interviews going up on various sites. Here is one that came out today:

Inside The Flap is a great podcast about books. You can find it here: https://theinsideflap.com.

If you weren’t able to join me for my live Zoom readings last week, you have another chance. I will be doing a reading with the author Janelle Brown, whose new book Pretty Things is coming out at the end of the month. I hope you will join us! Here is the invitation with the link:

Here is the link to join.

I want to thank Jess Witkins for sending this picture, taken in front of the convent and chapel that inspired the nuns in my novel Angelology. I loved seeing it again, especially with Jess and The Ancestor!!

I hope you have a spectacular week, and that you find much inspiration and good work.

Danielle Trussoni

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